Hiker Rescued from Big Falls in Forest Falls Community

40 King, Sheriff Aviation

From the San Bernardino County Sheriff

On Monday, June 18th, both San Bernardino County Fire Department and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department received several calls from the public stating there was a male subject at the top of Big Falls yelling for help.

Big Falls in Forest Falls

Due to the steep and rugged terrain, the crew of Sheriff’s Helicopter 40King1 responded to the area to attempt contact with the subject.  Using the helicopters’ public address system, the crew contacted the victim, who indicated he was in need of assistance.  With no place to land, the crew of 40King1 called Sheriff’s Air Rescue 306 to respond to provide a hoist rescue of the victim.

Air Rescue 306, Sheriff Aviation

Once on scene, Firefighter/Medic Brumbaugh was lowered to the victim.  The victim was found to be lost and suffering from mild dehydration and would need to be hoisted from the area.  Brumbaugh placed Azcorra into a rescue harness and he was hoisted into Air Rescue 306.  Once Brumbaugh was recovered from the mountainside, Azcorra was flown to an awaiting ambulance where he was treated for his medical concerns.