Help keep our hospital forever on March 3, 2020!

LAKE ARROWHEAD (November 13, 2019) —Mountains Community Hospital (MCH) will have a ballot
measure in the March 3, 2020 election to make the current parcel tax permanent, thus eliminating the
significant expense of holding an election every 4 years. In addition, the hospital is asking for an annual
increase, tied to the CPI with a 3% cap, to ensure the hospital can keep pace with ever increasing
healthcare costs. This means that the first year increase, assuming the full 3%, would be $2.40 cents a
year for a homeowner.
The community put the current tax into place in 1989 to save the hospital from closure and it has not
gone up in 30 years. It is just $40 per year for vacant lots, $80 for homeowners, and $200 for commercial
“Last year the hospital had 46,800 patient visits, more than ever before in our 68-year history! Our
patient volume is up and we are seeing people with increasingly severe and complex conditions. Our
cost to provide essential healthcare services has increased by more than 56% in just the past 10 years,
but the tax has not gone up – ever. Approval of this ballot measure will ensure the hospital can continue
to meet the needs of our community, today and in the years to come, as well as complete $40-50MM
worth of necessary improvements,” says Charlie Harrison, CEO.
Can you imagine this community without a hospital, emergency room, health clinics and the many other
services MCH provides? The hospital helps attract and retain doctors, medical specialists, pharmacists,
and other health providers. In addition, the hospital helps support local paramedics in the event of
accidents and emergencies by providing an immediately accessible emergency room, open 24/7, as well
as an FAA approved heliport. MCH also keeps jobs in our community, maintains property values and
strengthens the local economy.
In the coming months, you will be hearing more about the March 3, 2020 election and this ballot
measure. If you have any questions, please contact Kim McGuire, MCH Foundation Director and Keep
Our Hospital Forever Committee Member by calling 909.436.3263.