Essential Oils: Don’t Leave Home Without Them!

This article brought to you by Mercy Air

Article by Billie Bueler – Rim Chiropractic

If you’re using essential oils for headaches, allergy relief, or even relief from insect bites, you know all about carrying essential oils with you. Essential oils are quite delicate things, and can’t be exposed to light, too much heat, or air repeatedly before becoming damaged. But what do you do when you have that gigantic mosquito bite that won’t quit itching, or a migraine headache? Well, you’re in luck! I have two really great, portable suggestions!

One suggestion is to make up a roll-on and carry it with you. A roll-on is a small bottle with a special cap on it that allows you to roll your essential oil right on that mosquito bite, or on your temples and the back of your neck for a headache. There are some very good quality roll-ons available on the internet, just shop around on Amazon or on your favorite essential oil site. You will want to choose one that is dark colored, rather than clear, to protect your oils from light. By adding about 10 drops of an essential oil, and then filling the bottle with jojoba or avocado oil, you have very convenient, portable solution! Some oils can be applied neat, meaning without a carrier or dilution oil. Lavender is one of these oils. If you have a mosquito bite or a minor burn, lavender will take the itch or pain away almost instantly. Simply roll on the essential oil! Be sure to label your roll-on and shake before use to gently mix the oil.

Another suggestion is an inhaler. You can also buy them on Amazon. They come with a small cotton insert that I generally replace with a piece of organic cotton because cotton is a heavily sprayed crop and I don’t want to be inhaling pesticides! Inhalers are very simple to prepare. You remove the bottom, and insert your cotton after having applied about 10 drops of essential oil to it. Next, you snap the bottom back onto the inhaler, screw the cap on and voila! You’re all set. You use an inhaler by gently pressing the tip of the inhaler against one nostril while using your finger to close the other nostril. Gently breathe through the inhaler. Then switch sides and breathe through the other nostril. Replace the cap and place it in your purse or pocket! These will last two to three months until you need to add some more oils to the piece of cotton. You can reuse the same piece of cotton two to three times or simply replace it all together each time. Pretty simple, huh?

Both of these methods allow you to carry your essential oil with you, and the inhaler also allows you to use your essential oil without anybody around you really even noticing. You wouldn’t want either exposed to the sun or left too long inside your car on a hot day, but generally speaking, wherever you are, the temperature should be just fine for your oil.

If you need some recipes or advice on which oils you use for whatever problem you might have, contact a certified aromatherapist. They’ll be in the best position to tell you what to avoid and what to use, as well as where to get quality essential oil, They’re also best able to answer any other questions you might have! Essential oils are chemicals, after all, you want to make sure you are helping your body, not creating a new problem. Asthmatics and those prone to breathing difficulties or allergies should be especially careful to get professional advice. Most essential oils are not intended for use on people under 10 years old.

Enjoy your roll-on or inhaler! They can be super handy while hiking, or even at the office when you want to use your oil quickly and discreetly. I especially love taking mine on a plane with an anti-anxiety blend that calms me and helps make the flight enjoyable and stress free!