North side of El Dorado Fire Perimeter:

The El Dorado Fire had almost no growth over the past 24 hours as fire fighters and aircraft continued the hard work of maintaining the perimeter. Hand crews cut line while good visibility enabled air support resources to reduce momentum of the fire with water and retardant as flare ups and isolated torching continued in interior islands.

Excellent progress is being made to contain the fire north of Highway 38. Ground crews continue constructing a contingency line between Hwy 38 and the 2015 Lake Fire burn scar.

The hand line behind Forest Falls continues to hold and firefighters continue patrol and mop up efforts. Firefighters remain in position to provide structure protection with direct hose lines while increasing defensible space. Fire crews continue working to extend the fire line along Mill Creek from Vivian Creek to last month’s Apple Fire scar.

South side of El Dorado Fire Perimeter:

Smoke will remain visible in the Yucaipa, Oak Glen and Mentone areas as unburned fuels within the fire perimeter continue to burn.  Fire crews continue to patrol this area and will extinguish hot spots.


The weather remains hot and dry with upslope winds during the afternoons and downslope winds in the evening. Predictive Services division of the Southern California Geographic Area Coordination Center has issued a fuels advisory for excessively dry fuels throughout California due to drought conditions and hot temperatures.


•  Highway 38 is closed between Bryant St. to the south and Onyx to the north  


Evacuation Orders:

The evacuation orders, warnings and restrictions are now lifted for all areas in Yucaipa, Oak Glen and Mentone. Please use caution for emergency personnel working in the area.  Evacuation Orders Remain In Effect for Mountain Home Village, Forest Falls, Angelus Oaks and Seven Oaks.  Please see map link:  https://sbcounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9b818cd8a7a24c9a96361f5fc3be0803


The El Dorado Fire Unified Incident Commanders continue to ask visitors to consider rescheduling planned visits to the Big Bear area due to fire activity.  Please check the Big Bear Fire Department Travel Advisory for the reasons why:  https://bigbearfire.com/


The entire Forest was closed to all public use at 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 7.  Please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/sbnf/news-events/?cid=FSEPRD799192 for more information.