Dr. Natalie Lindemann Announces Rim School Board Candidacy

June 4, 2018

On November 6, 2018 three of the Rim of the World Unified School District Board of Trustees’ seats are up for election. Dr. Natalie Lindemann, a Rim Schools Graduate, Parent, and Volunteer, has announced her candidacy for the Area 2 (Lake Arrowhead) position.

Dr. Natalie Lindemann was raised in Lake Arrowhead. A National Champion figure skater, she grew up performing for mountain and world audiences. After retirement from skating she went to college earning an Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, and Doctorate. She currently is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist with a Private Practice in Lake Arrowhead.

Dr. Lindemann and her husband, Coach Mike, moved their family back to the mountains in order to raise their children, Brodie
(age 7) and Hayden (age 5), in the community she loves. In addition to her own educational experience, Dr. Lindemann is the PTA President of Lake Arrowhead Elementary (LAE), an Expert Course Reviewer, School Site Council Member and Secretary, and Meet the Masters Coordinator. She also has successful grant writing and fund-raising experience.

Dr. Lindemann feels strongly about advocating for the students’ best interests. She believes this is done by getting funds in the classroom, as close to the students as possible, not stuck in administrative costs. Obtaining up to date materials, supporting
effective and qualified teachers, retaining and promoting from within, and restoring infrastructure are among her top priorities. She has worked to help improve safety measures at LAE and will continue to advocate for policies and procedures to
increase student and staff safety.

Additionally, Dr. Lindemann believes it is the District’s responsibility to help create well-rounded graduates and strongly supports athletics, clubs, and extracurricular activities which go beyond our common core standards. Dr. Lindemann brings education, experience, trustworthiness, and community investment. She knows how to collaborate with others and generate innovative approaches to long-standing problems. She is excited for the opportunity to represent the students, parents, and all stakeholders on the path to get our district back on track.

Dr. Lindemann believes children are our future and OUR FUTURE DESERVES BETTER!