Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights – Pet Well Being

Row of popular domestic pets together over white

By Dr. Jane Guttman

We are guardians for our beloved animal companions. What a great honor, really. Over many decades of loving and being in companionship with pets, I have seen the extraordinary gifts that emerge from our aware, kind, devoted and loving presence. We are spirit medicine to our pets and they in turn inscribe our hearts with their devotion and unconditional loving presence. In doing energetic healing work with pets for a few decades now, I have been witness to the beautiful shifts that can occur to allow a pet to come back into balance. With conventional veterinary treatment as tandem care, we can consider the alternative practices such as acupuncture, EFT, massage, homeopathy, nutritional support, chiropractic, Reiki and other energetic balancing procedures. These are ways to offer our companions the best opportunities for living long and full lives. Healthy lives, Happy lives. From the moment we first hold a new puppy, kitten or bird, or meet a senior dog to adopt, or rescue an animal in need, our world forever changes. We embark on a journey of deep love, boundless joy and a cord of communion that remains long after the earth life of our beloved one.

All guidance is educational and not given as medical advice or treatment., nor is it meant to take the place of qualified medical professionals. Please check with your physician for all medical concerns.