Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights – Emotional Well-Being

By Dr. Jane Guttman

Some of our favorite songs are about wind.  Blowin’ in the Wind. Candle in the Wind. Wind Beneath My Wings. Some of us love the idea of flying a kite in the wind. Kids love blowing soap bubbles in the wind.  Or there’s dancing with streamers and leaf play. Others prefer to be indoors. To some the wind is a gift and to some a hardship. Wildlife and pets have some wind struggles. There are some health issues that arise from wind: allergies, migraines, respiratory conditions, and general irritability. A New York Times article, published in 1981, references an Israeli study in which 30% of the population was wind-affected, with migraines, nausea, vomiting, irritability, dimness of vision and respiratory symptoms. Some of these symptoms can appear a day or two before wind. There is speculation that positive ions are the culprit. Evidently, the wind strips away part of the negative, health-supporting ion and leaves us with an excess of positive ions. If you have a Himalayan Salt Lamp, keep it glowing. It will bring negative ions back into your space. This can offset some of the irritability and stress-related concerns that often accompany a high-wind day. As mountain residents, we become more vigilant in intense wind. Wellness tools include calming thoughts, quiet music, meditation, ear plugs and engaging in tasks that require your focus., Include foods that soothe: Dark, leafy greens are rich in magnesium and helps to calm. Berries are a good choice to reduce stress, rich in anti-oxidants. Have a cup of Lavender tea. Or Chamomile tea. Surround yourself with comfort. Reassure your pets. Some feel unsafe. Stay indoors if you have respiratory concerns. Make a soup of green vegetables and call it Windy Day Wellness Soup. Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Labradorite, and Smoky Quartz are good crystal friends for a windy day. Offset the wind storm with calm and harmony… Allies for our wellness and well-being. Imagine the wind carrying away all the debris in your mind. Whisking away the smog around your thought forms and bringing new, fresh thoughts to inspire you and all around you. Give your worries to the wind. Let the palpable power of wind clear your inner mural and allow true awareness and peace. The storm of wind will end, leaving a welcome stillness that ushers in a mellow mood of well-being.

All guidance is educational and not given as medical advice or treatment., nor is it meant to take the place of qualified medical professionals. Please check with your physician for all medical concerns.

Jane Guttman is a bio-energetic practitioner, workshop presenter, educator, retired holistic chiropractor, Life-Wellness doula, and practices focused hearing. Her practice includes Soul Sound, energetic tapping, writing for wellness, memory release, pet hospice care, and crystal well-being. Her process invites deep reflection, self-love, and well-being; her healing work invites the presence of inner peace, an essential energy to sustain wellness and wholeness. Her work with focused hearing and intuitive guidance have helped many to redirect their lives. Jane’s process has evolved over thirty years of study/practice with the late Dr. M.T. Morter, D.C. and the late Dr. Lucille Edwards, an eminent and recognized metaphysical healer, clairvoyant and energy healer. Jane is committed to assisting people and pets of all ages in attaining wellness goals.

Educational and Related Services:  (Non-medical)

Crystal Well Being – EFT Tapping – Emotive Memory Release – Energetic Balancing – Intuitive Guidance/Focused Hearing – Pet Well-Being – Sound Healing – Wellness Doula – Writing for Wellness

 Contact Info:  Drjane4wellness@gmail.com   (909)436-9500