Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights

Heart Well-Being – By Dr. Jane Guttman

Think of words that contain heart.  Heartfelt. Heartbreak. Heartthrob. Heartbeat. Disheartening. Hearty. Cold-Hearted. Broken-Hearted. Big-Hearted. Our hearts are central to life itself as the miraculous organ of circulation and as the home of consciousness. Heart is in every cell of our bodies. It is the central intelligence in this capacity and caring for it ensures that all aspects of our body-mind, and spirits are sound and ready for life. What makes your heart happy? What lifts your heart to a place of peace and harmony? Place your hand over your heart and feel the gratitude meeting your hand. This is where gratitude lives. This is where peace lives. This is where we get sick and where we get well. Many years ago I injured my back. There were many limitations that followed. The insight came quickly that I had not ever thanked my back for all the wondrous things it had done for over fifty years. I took it all for granted. Now I thank my heart.  Thank it for beating, for sending messages to all the cells of my being, for working for all these decades. For allowing me to experience the full range of living. What are some messages you have for your heart? We can place our hand or hands across our hearts and commend it for being the awesome gift that it is. In heartbreak and in heartfelt happiness our hearts ask little yet still perform. As a form of consciousness, our hearts beat to the rhythm of harmony, joy and gladness. Then in gratitude and peace. This is where wellness originates and restores. Every cell of you resonates with your heartbeat. It’s a beautiful symphony to celebrate and cherish.