Detox: Why, How and When

This article brought to you by Rim Chiropractic

Article by Billie Bueler – Rim Chiropractic

We are all exposed to various toxins. They are all around us, all of the time. In our homes, in our air, in our water…Toxins can enter our bodies in numerous ways. Exhaust fumes, paint fumes, smoke and gases enter through our lungs. Perfumes, cosmetics, topical medications enter through our skin. Oral drugs, food additives and unfiltered water introduce toxins into our digestive tracts. And let’s not forget organic toxins found inside of us as a result of everyday metabolic processes. Toxins like lactic acid from working out, and the acids that are a by-product of inflammation. Even the process of digestion leaves behind toxins that need to be dealt with. The cells in our bodies are like tiny factories, with waste as a byproduct of everything that gets manufactured! And these are just some of the toxins, there are many, many more.

All of these toxins need to be neutralized and eliminated, and for the most part, many are. Every night, as we sleep, our bodies go about housekeeping, ridding us of as many toxins as possible. The body is designed to deal with them, but as the burden grows larger, the ability to rid ourselves of them is compromised. So our bodies simply begin to store them, sometimes in unfavorable places, and sometimes for long periods of time. Some favorite places for the body to store toxins are in fat cells, mainly visceral fat (think spare tire!), the liver, our bones and joints, and the lymphatic system, just to name a few.

The body tells us in many ways that the load is getting to be too much. Frequent headaches, excess weight, tiredness, inflammation of joints, muscles, even organs. Metabolic issues like blood sugar imbalance. Endocrine disruption, causing hormonal imbalance. Anxiety and depression. Even symptoms of allergies can be the result of the body’s inability to manage the toxic burden. You may have rashes, trouble sleeping or staying asleep, and difficulty concentrating or remembering things. These things can lead to much more serious problems if left unchecked. Arthritis, auto-immune disorders, heart disease, serious gastrointestinal issues, and even cancer.

Ready for some good news?

Assisting your body in detoxing doesn’t have to be a big deal! There are many things you can do to assist your body’s big detox players. The liver and gallbladder, the lymphatic system, the lungs, the kidneys, the intestines and the biggest organ you own, your skin, can all be supported to help reduce the toxic load and restore energy and balance!

Your first step is to find someone who can guide you in the right direction. Someone who knows the process, and can educate you in the areas that are critical to your particular needs. A professional who can assess your health, and decide with you what foods and supplements are going to be most beneficial to you, and what lifestyle changes you might want to consider to both enhance your purification results and get you headed towards optimal health. That person may be a naturopath, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, or a health coach, but the important thing is to find a professional whose scope of practice includes determining your status before, during and following your detox process.

Detoxing, done correctly, can be a great experience. It can stabilize blood pressure, normalize cholesterol, and balance blood sugar. Is it time to think about resetting your body? Are you ready to find you have more energy? Do you want to sleep better than you have in months, lose a few pounds, look and feel great? A detox may be just what you need!