Crowd Pleasing Guacamole

This article brought to you by Prime Properties, The Real Estate Place and Attorney Nancy Wallace

By Victoria Heerschap

Now that the sun is shining, it’s time to bust out some chips and dip! What could be more alluring on a sunny day than guacamole? So treat yourself this weekend with some fresh, homemade guac, a patio chair, and a frosty cold beverage.

Guacamole is as old as the Aztecs! This ancient recipe dates back to Meso-America, originally consisting of mashed avocado, tomatoes, and salt. Talk about standing the test of time! It’s no wonder that people are still enjoying this simple and tasty combination today.

This recipe couldn’t be easier to make, with minimal preparation and maximum flavor! Just be sure to use a very ripe avocado.

Guacamole Recipe:


2 very ripe avocados

2 roma tomatoes

¼ cup red onion – minced

2 cloves garlic – minced

2 tbsp. lime juice

1 tbsp. olive oil

½ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper


Prepare the red onion and garlic by dicing them very finely.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the tomatoes, onion, garlic, lime juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Halve the avocadoes and remove the seeds. Scoop the avocado flesh from the skins and coarsely mash in a small bowl.

Transfer the mashed avocado into the larger mixing bowl and gently stir into the tomatoes, onions, and garlic.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill for an hour in the refrigerator. Serve cold with tortilla chips.