Woman Rescued from Burning Boat on Lake Arrowhead

A burning boat on Lake Arrowhead which had one woman on board was extinguished by Lake Patrol using fire extinguishers. The woman was then rescued from the boat by the Lake Patrol.

ALA Lake Patrol is equipped to deal with all kinds of emergencies and routinely deal with on the water emergencies. “We have larger fire extinguishers and equipment to perform rescues”, stated Greg Daily from the ALA Lake Patrol.

Firefighters from station 92 responded to the scene in the fast attack fire boat.

Bystanders report that there were no flames visible but there was a fair amount of smoke. It appears the fire was related to the engine on the boat.

First ALA Lake Patrol Boat responds within seconds of a woman stranded in a burning boat.

Greg was the first to respond to the scene. Using his fire extinguisher he put out the fire then towed the boat back to the marina. Bystanders reported the fire flared up a few times after the initial attempt to extinguish it.

Second ALA Patrol Boat arrives onscene.

A second boat piloted by another patrol officer, Larry Brunn, also responded to the burning boat and brought the lady on the burning boat back to the marina unharmed.

Greg Daily responded in his Lake Patrol Boat to quickly extinguish the boat fire.

After the boat was towed back to the dock, Fire Crews from Station 92 in the fast attack boat ensured the fire was out completely and made sure everybody was safe.

Station 92 Fire Crews douse the burnt areas of the boat with water to ensure the fire is fully extinguished.

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Photos, details and video credit to Kristy Rostawicki Victorero, as well as the ALA Lake Patrol