Big Bear Fire Units Find Open Fire Pits While Investigating Illegal Burn Reports

Article sponsored by Goodwin’s Market and Top Producers Realty

On Friday night, just before 9:00 pm, reports went into 911 dispatch of smoke and visible fire from the back of a residence near Vista Lane and Narrow Lane in the city of Big Bear Lake.

Units arriving on scene found an outdoor illegal fire pit burning with a large smoke column visible. The resident was advised that open fire pits are not allowed. Firefighters on scene worked with the residents and used buckets of water to extinguish the illegal fire.

Firefighters use buckets of water to extinguish an illegal burn in Big Bear Lake

Article and photos by Malia Dietz

The following fire information can be found at the webpage:

Big Bear Valley Residential and Business Firepit and BBQ info.

Interior wood, wood pellet, and gas fireplace, fireplace inserts, and stoves are okay and exempt from AQMD restrictions in Big Bear.

Big Bear Properties are above 3000′ (AQMD Exemptions for elevations above 3000 feet. Rule 445-f-7-d)

Fireplaces must be used in acordance within manufacturers guidlines, properly installed, and maintained.

Propane and gas fire pits are okay

with 15 feet of clearance from anything combustible

Charcoal burning and propane/gas barbeques are okay

with 15 feet of clearance from anything combustible

Wood burning fire pits require 25 feet of clearance from anything combustible, including vegetation and structures

If the 25-foot requirement can be met, a permit is required and can be obtained through Big Bear Fire Department for a $75 fee

The permit is valid for 3 months, but can be temporarily suspended at any time due to high fire danger

Some Open Fire Permit Requirements:

Fire Department and City approvals for installation.

Valid Fire Department permit.

Permit is void if windy or dry weather exists or a “Red Flag Alert” is in effect. Check our website to see if permit can be used on that day.

Keep one approved water hose connected to a continuous water source, or provide other approved water source, within the reach of a fire ring.

Keep one long-handled shovel available within twenty feet of fire ring.

Area must be clear of all combustibles twentyfive (25) feet in all directions of fire ring. (15 feet for gas/propane only fires)

Flames not to exceed two (2) feet in height at any time.

There shall be not less than one responsible adult person in attendance at all times.

Check with the Fire Marshal for full requirements and permit application.

If the relaxing effect of the fire’s soft crackling, gentle warmth, hypnotic visuals, and old timer’s `Smore roasting` is something you can’t live without, get a permit. Let us make sure to keep our community safe.