Danish Open-Faced Sandwiches

Variety of open sandwiches of buttered dense, dark rye bread with different toppings.

This article brought to you by Sky Forest Inn and Prime Properties.

By Victoria Heerschap

There’s no need to travel halfway around the world to experience international cuisine. Danish open-faced sandwiches, or smorrebrod, are a fun and easy way to enjoy a continental lunch.

Traditionally, smorrebrod begins with a rye bread, a smear of butter, a protein, and fruit or vegetable toppings. The most common proteins are beef, fish, and eggs. Since I’m sure many of you aren’t in the habit of reaching for some pickled herring for lunch, this recipe uses hard-boiled eggs. I like this recipe because you can omit the protein altogether and enjoy a lighter version of the sandwich; just add more lettuce!

Remember, these are not sandwiches that you can eat with your hands! Smorrebrod is always eaten with a knife and fork, although if you wanted to serve these as appetizers, you could cut the prepared sandwich down into bite-size pieces, which would be much more manageable as a finger food!

Danish Open-Faced Sandwich Recipe


*Makes 1 sandwich, repeat as many times as desired

Pumpernickel rye bread

Salted butter – softened

Havarti cheese – sliced thin

1 hardboiled egg – sliced

Red onion – sliced thin

Tomato – sliced thin


Prepare your sandwich toppers by slicing your hardboiled egg, red onion, and tomato. Remember, the thinner, the better.

Spread a layer of butter over the pumpernickel, then add a slice of the Havarti. Layer on the lettuce, then onion, then tomato. Top with the sliced eggs.

Enjoy with an iced tea or a Danish beer!