RIM Blue Star Moms – Frannie Tennant

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Welcome to a new web series by Scott Limpus, introducing the community to our local heroes and their families, only here on MountainReporter.com

RIM Blue Star Moms
“They Will Never Feel Forgotten”

Frannie Tennant is the proud mom of Jesse Flynn Tennant, a guardsman in the United States Coast Guard. Jesse and his family came to the United States from London, England when he was 8 years old. He attended Lake Arrowhead Christian School, Lake Arrowhead Elementary, MPH Middle School, and Rim High School where he graduated in 2013.

After attending a semester of college in Santa Barbara, Jesse enlisted in the Coast Guard in 2014 and was assigned to a cutter in Florida for two years. He is currently a Boatswain, stationed in San Pedro, CA. As a Boatswain he operates small boats and conducts boardings of other vessels. Jesse plans to stay in active duty as long as he continues to love his job.

Jesse did not always want to serve in the military, not until his dad passed away in 2012. It was then that things changed, and after 6 months at college, he realized that wasn’t the path he wanted to take. His favorite thing about serving his country is helping others and making a difference in other people’s lives. However, waking up at the crack of dawn, well, he likes that the least.

Frannie is fortunate that she gets to see her hero at least once a month when he is not on deployment. Frannie says she is “beyond proud of this young man and my husband would be too, bursting our buttons over him!” She likes that Jesse wants to be part of something bigger than himself. However, this proud mom does not like when he’s deployed, or when he is stationed away from Southern California. “This young man has become a wonderful son, and a wonderful friend to his younger brother. Being in the military he had to grow up quickly and he has certainly made the most of it. I can’t wait to see where this young man is going… he is 24 years old and I am so proud to be his mum!”