Weather Report – 3/23/19

Courtesy of

Good Morning.
Happy Birthday Michael.

This morning we will start the day with partly cloudy skies and light fog along the Rim. Winds will be from the SW becoming gusty later today, as an area of Low pressure moves Inland across the border of Oregon and California. The trailing Trough from that Low will flatten out around Santa Barbara this afternoon as it moves onshore to our North. Showers will be likely from the Santa Barbara area and North today, with only a few showers possible to the South and along our local mountains later this afternoon. No accumulations are expected other than a trace if that.

Tomorrow, we will have clearing skies as a transient Ridge moves over SoCal. This will bring an increase in temperatures for Sunday and Monday of around 8-10*. Gusty winds are expected for tomorrow as we transition from one air mass to another. High pressure over the Eastern Pacific along with an area of Low pressure that will move into the Great Basin will be the source region for our Winds. We could see as much as a 14mb pressure gradient between Tonopah NV, and the Coastal region off of SoCal tomorrow.
Then things will settle down for Monday and Tuesday with above normal temperatures, mostly clear skies along with light and variable winds.

For Wednesday and Thursday as it looks this morning, a deep cold core area of Low pressure (534dm this morning) that is currently way offshore over the Pacific, will move over California bringing rain and higher elevation snow to most of the State. The details are sketchy this morning but I thought I would throw that in just as a FYI of what may be ahead. Then as it looks now, next weekend should be a very nice weekend weather wise. So enjoy the variety in the weather as the Jet Stream is migrating back to the North as it does this time of year, and soon we will be in a static weather pattern again.RC

That’s it for today. Thank you for joining me @ and a BIG thank you to all who have donated to this website.
Be sure to check out the website for live webcams from around the area along with live weather conditions and a view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake.
Have a good Day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-55/40*, Twin Peaks-50/36*, Lake Arrowhead-59/39*, Running Springs-45/35*, Big Bear-48/30*, San Berdo-68/44*.