Weather Report 3/15/19
Good Morning.
Be sure to check out the website for more weather related info. Also the latest El Nino forecast is located on the “El Nino” page of the website.
..This morning we have sub freezing temperatures from ~Twin Peaks to Big Bear, so if you are driving watch for black ice on the Roadways.
..Today the NE winds will continue to be with us as High pressure over the Great Basin remains our main weather feature locally. The NWS has a WIND ADVISORY in place for our area through 1pm Saturday for periods of gusty NE winds especially along the Ridges, and in the Canyons and passes. The pressure gradient from Tonopah to the Coast is running at 7mbs offshore. This will slowly weaken through the weekend however gusty winds will be likely each morning. Temperatures will warm as the winds die down with Sunday and Monday being our warmest days.
..Clear skies will continue with only a few high clouds at times. The gusty NE winds will change to the SW by Monday as we begin a pattern change.
..On the long range outlook, There is a chance for a couple systems to bring more rain to SoCal mid week next week, on and off through the weekend. The first system to affect the local area will arrive Tuesday night. The snow levels look like they will be around the 5500-6000′ level for this one. Then as we head toward next weekend, two more systems could affect us here. One Friday/Saturday and the last on Monday-ish. The last one looks the most promising for lower elevation snow and better dynamics. So if you want to get out and take in some of the local Springtime flowers and or waterways, this weekend is a good time to do that.
..Also, thank you to those of you who have donated to this website as that really helps offset the costs of running the website and its associated subscription fees, equipment maintenance, and tech fees.
..That’s it for today. Thank you for joining me @ Be sure to check out the website for live webcams from around the area along with live weather conditions and a view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake.
..Have a good Day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-44/34*, Twin Peaks-43/32*, Lake Arrowhead-42/34*, Running Springs-40/30*, Big Bear-36/17*, San Berdo-66/50.