Better Breakfasts – Blueberry Scones

By Victoria Heerschap

Make your morning a little brighter with these sweet blueberry scones!

There are two classes of scone: American scones and British scones. One may think they’re interchangeable, but they are two very different pastries, both in method and purpose. American scones have a higher fat-to-flour ratio, using much more butter than English scones. American scones also often feature mix-ins of fruit or nuts, unlike their English cousins. The English prefer their scones as a snack with tea, while the Americans enjoy them as a sweet, breakfast pastry. This recipe, featuring blueberries and butter, is definitely American style.

Blueberry Scone Recipe


2 ½ cups flour

½ cup granulated sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

½ tsp. salt

1 stick unsalted butter – cold, cut into small cubes

1 large egg

½ tsp. vanilla extract

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

1 tbsp. lemon zest


Preheat oven to 400°.

In a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and the chilled, cubed butter and pulse until you get a crumbly, mealy texture. You can also use a pastry cutter or your finger tips to combine the ingredients, if you do not have a food processor handy.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and vanilla, then add the crumbly flour mix to the bowl, stirring with a spoon until combined. If the dough is too thick at this point, a tablespoon of milk or cream can be added to achieve the desired texture.

Stir in the blueberries and lemon zest.

Turn out the dough onto a floured work surface, and divide it evenly into two balls. Take each dough ball and form a disk, flattening the dough to a ¾ inch thickness. Slice each dough disk like a pie into eight wedges and transfer the slices to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, then remove to a cooling rack. Serve warm, or cool completely and store in an airtight container to enjoy another time.