Weather Report 2/16/18

Saturday 02-16-19
Good Morning
..Overnight a few showers moved through the area bringing more rain, and snow to the 4500′ level and above. This is from a deepening Longwave Trough that is currently over the West. Short waves, or weak systems will continue to push through the cyclonic flow over the next few days, as the main area of Low pressure remains mostly stationary over the West. These will bring periods of rain/snow to the SoCal region through Monday.
..Today we should have partly cloudy skies for most of the day. That bright thing out there peaking in and out from behind the clouds is called the Sun. We will have a ~15% chance for a snow shower throughout the day today. Then late this evening another slightly stronger wave will push through the area into Sunday.
..Cold air will continue to flow across the area with low elevation snow expected for Sunday. Snow levels will lower to around the 4000′ level at times through this next wave for Sunday. 1-4″ for the 3500-5500′ level, and 4-10″ is possible above the 5500′ level.
..This system will end late Sunday but we will continue to see very cold temperatures across the whole area.
..For Monday and Tuesday it looks like we will get a brief break from the storms.
..Then for Wednesday night through Thursday, we could see a pretty good storm roll through with low snow levels and decent accumulations once again.
..After that we should see a period of drying out for a few days.
..On the long range outlook, we may see a return of the AR at or about the end of February or early March as the MJO remains stuck in phase 8, and or phase 1. This is a long way out but not unreasonable.
..If you wanted a busy Winter, then you got your wish this year! Enjoy! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-37/31*-1.26″R/S, Twin Peaks-34/30*, Lake Arrowhead-35/29*, Running Springs-32/26* (8.25″S/TTL-Rain corrected), Big Bear-39/24*, San Berdo-58/43.