Weather Report 5/17/18

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.

Just another beautiful day in the Mountains. Clear skies and no fog in the Valley will be the days Forecast.
Today we are in the middle of a weak Transitory Ridge of High Pressure across SoCal. This will move East later this evening and be replaced by a Troughing Pattern that will last for the next several days. As the Troughing pattern develops, a Cut Off Low will form along the West Coast of California. This will move directly over our area by Monday.
A Catalina Eddy will develop for Friday morning helping to deepen the Marine layer and push Fog and low clouds into the Inland areas of SoCal. Tomorrow Fog will be likely to the 4500′ level by morning. The Marine layer will stay with us through Tuesday with varying depths of fog in the Inland areas through the period.
Temperatures will remain about the same for the weekend as what we have had over the last week, Highs in the mid to upper 60s, and overnight lows from 40-45*. Temperatures will be a little cooler for Sunday afternoon as the Cut Off Low approaches the area.
Light and variable winds will continue across the area mostly from the South West. Sunday as the Cut Off Low approaches SoCal, increasing gusty winds will develop along with a chance for a drizzle and or a rain shower for Monday and possibly Tuesday as well. As always, Cut Off Lows are fickle, so changes in the Forecast will be likely as we head into the weekend. Updates to the Forecast will as always, be posted in the morning each day. RC

Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 59-65*/42-46*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 58-64*/34-38*
San Bernardino: 77-84*/53-58*
On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,
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