Kdog’s Road Report 5/17/18

There is nothing notable to report on the road conditions today. It’s confirmed, though, that the roads are present, and still shaped the same way they’ve always been shaped, but really, if you drove them yesterday, just remember that way, because it’s exactly the same again today.

(However, in case it ever DOES get really foggy, and you can’t see, just remember this series of Lefts and Rights… you can do this with your eyes closed, as long as you don’t lose your place: LRLRLRLRLRLLRLRRLRRLRRLRLLRRLRLRLRLRLLRLRRLLRRLRLRLRRLRRLRLL. Double- check that for me (it’s possible that I’ve missed (or added) and extra “L” or “R” here and there), and remember that SOME of the “Ls” and “Rs” represent very subtle turns, not full- on, crank- the- wheel- lock- to- lock turns.)

I read yesterday that I was SUPPOSED to have two years’ worth of my salary saved by the time I was 35. I understand that lots of people are feeling very disappointed in themselves for failing to reach that goal. Lucky for me, my job only paid $500/ year, so that put my only a few hundred dollars short of the savings goal. Whew… dodged THAT bullet!

Who ARE these people? I keep hearing every day about the Meg and Markle wedding coming up. Never heard of them, before now. We’re hearing that Meg’s dad won’t be attending, but maybe Markle’s dad will be there?

In really important news, I read the Michael Jackson’s “Moonwalk” turned 35 years old. That’s one small series of little tiny footsteps for man, and a giant leap for… oh, I got nothin.’ I DO know that while I am not very good at the moonwalk MOST of the time, when I go to San Manuel casino, that main entrance from the parking structure has some great moving sidewalks which give ME the ability to moonwalk. Of course, my intolerant and mistaken wife calls me a “dork,” but she still prefers that I moonwalk, as opposed to my OTHER trick on the moving sidewalks, which is to simply stand there when the moving sidewalk happens to be disabled and is not moving. I find great entertainment in just standing there, looking forward, as though I’ll eventually get somewhere, but, again, my wife thinks it’s “stupid.” Plus she gets bored with my clever hijinks after just, maybe, 30 minutes or so of standing there. I’m telling you, I KNOW how to have a good time.

And finally, Kim Jong Un is dismantling his nuclear facilities. He swears it’s true, he just feels all kinds of motivation to do the right thing. He also continues to maintain that he hails from a magical land that includes unicorn ranches, and that members of his family never need to use the bathroom, as they are blessed deities that do not even possess the going- to- the- bathroom- anatomical- equipment. So, I guess we’ll just believe the one part about him dismantling the nuclear stuff. Sounds pretty legit.