Kdog’s Road Report 5/16/18

Roads are clear today… it’s an easy ride, with no obstacles in your way. I can see clearly now… the rain is gone. It’s going to be a bright, bright, mostly sunny day.

Who doesn’t love Yanni? I know… the lyrics alluded to in the first paragraph have nothing to do with Yanni, but I really need some sort of segue to GET TO the made- up word, “Yanny,” so I artificially created one. It’s weak, sure… but at least I’m not sitting on my laurels.

Wait, what? Yanny? Laurels?

Remember a while back, when the Internet demanded that we choose sides over what color the dress was? Some saw white and gold, while others, looking at exactly the same image, saw blue and .black. Obviously, the blue and black crowd is looney tunes, but, whatever. Here’s a link to refresh your memory (You may need to cut and paste this into your browser):


However, the dress debate is SO 2017. Or 2016… or whenever it was, that is what it is SO….

Well, there’s a new one. There’s an audio clip floating around in the ether. Some people hear, “Yanny,” while others hear, “Laurel.” And, it is simply as plain as day to each listener. A group of people can listen to the same audio clip at the same time, and different listeners will hear different things.

Here’s a link to that debate… clearly, you’ll need to check this out on a device with audio capability, or else the effect won’t be quite as… uhhh… effective:



Check it out, listen to it… try the different pitches (yep, it seems significantly different at different pitches). If you are “fortunate” enough to have a long commute today, you may get to hear this debate on the radio, and get a full dose of the sound clip at various pitches. Radio people are going nuts over this thing… after all, voice/ sound perception is their gig.

Prepare yourself for… Mind. Blown.