Seeley Creek Overflowing in Crestline, County Fire Dispatched for Water Rescue

Published by Raymond Ray

At 2:10 pm on Thursday afternoon, CHP dispatchers recieved reports of roadway flooding in Crestline near Camp Seeley. Seeley Creek runs near the camp off Highway 138 and visitors to a popular local hiking destination known as “Heart Rock” have to drive through the creek to access the trailhead.

A Subaru with 2 occupants and a dog tried to cross the swift rushing waters and the engine died, leaving then stranded in the vehicle. The Crestline Sanitation District also uses that road to access their facilities. They found the occupied vehicle and helped them by pushing the Subaru through the torrent with a plow truck.

There were no injuries during this event and the Fire Department cleared the scene after finding the occupants were able to exit the vehicle safely.

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