Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights – A Rainbow of Vegetables

By Dr. Jane Guttman

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~ Ann Wignore

Food is medicine. Food can help to prevent illness. Food can assist in letting us get well. Food can allow for proper function of our bodies. Food can be a powerful ally for the health we have or want to build. Food affects mood.

Next time you’re at a market, observe the food that fills many carts. Processed food, sugary drinks, salty snacks, and a variety of low quality food will become meals for children and adults, Thirty years ago, one of my wellness mentors suggested that when in a market, visit the produce section, pick up items for household needs and then leave. Most items in boxes, cans, and plastic wrap don’t bring the nutrient-dense fuel that we seek for health. And many steal our health. Choose dairy and animal products wisely. No hormones, no antibiotics.

Fill your cart with fruit and veggies. Choose organic if your budget allows. With a refrigerator filled with nutrient-dense food your meals will become strong medicine. In 400 B.C, Hippocrates taught about food as medicine. Holistic physicians have followed his teachings and have conveyed the reality that nutritional deficiencies and toxicity from limited or poor diet become illness.  Dr. Axe notes that Johns Hopkins University reports that up to 80% of cancer patients are malnourished. Many holistic doctors consider cancer to be a secondary condition, occurring from an immune system that is disabled.

French fires from a fast food outlet are high on the list of cancer risk. Donuts are listed as well. Don’t be lured to the donut side of the bakery. Keep clear of adding fries to any meal unless you do a homemade version. Diabetes lurks in the sugar bowl. Read labels. Sugar is in unexpected food products. An addiction to sugar impacts every part of our bodies. Create a veggie addiction.  Vegetables are superstars. Every time you want to nurture brain and heart health, eat veggies.

Whether vegan, vegetarian keto, paleo, Mediterranean or a combination, consider the idea that food has a vibration, an energy that has potential to heal cells, organs, and spirit. Toss out the sugar bowl and pick up a bowl of veggie soup.  My addiction is Brussel sprouts! Slice thinly, cook and; put them on and in everything…salads, soups, tacos, stir-fries or on their own. Roasted Brussel sprouts are delicious. If you peel a few of the outer layers they can be sautéed or pan-fried like home-made fries or chips. Now you have Brussel chips!

Protecting our immune system happens in the kitchen. Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about eating to live, rather than living to eat. His teachings hail the benefits of vegetables. The adage of eat your vegetables is time-honored and real. Knowledge is liberating. Build new meal habits. Be creative and joyful as you make changes. Recognize that we all have food memory. Those tempting dishes of our childhoods or early adult lives still call to us. We were a Campbell soup family in my childhood. Find higher quality selections for old favorites.

Take your time in the market. Read every label. See what you’re feeding self and loved ones. Pass on food that says, “Natural flavors.”  If something is natural, why does it need a flavor enhancer? I learned that some banana products that contain banana; powder may have sulfate agents.  This is serious. There have been deaths associated with these preservatives and they are banned in the state of California at salad bars. Be sure to skip them. And skip the peanut butter that has added oil or sugar. Neither is needed and both interfere with health.

Check out the Center for Science in the Public Interest. There is much to learn at that agency. See what to limit and what to avoid. Learn about foodborne risk. Let food be nourishing for body and spirit. Have a fruit bowl filled with delicious choices and a vegetable bin that looks like a rainbow…every color ready to do its job for your health. The rainbow of vegetables will enhance your body just as powerfully as the rainbow dashing across the sky elevates your spirit. . The pot of gold is in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator. Health begins there. Be well!

Center for Science in the Public Interest: (CSPI) https://cspinet.org/

All guidance is educational and not given as medical advice or treatment., nor is it meant to take the place of qualified medical professionals. Please check with your physician for all medical concerns.

Jane Guttman is a bio-energetic practitioner, workshop presenter, educator, retired holistic chiropractor, Life-Wellness doula, and practices focused hearing. Her practice includes Soul Sound, energetic tapping, writing for wellness, memory release, pet hospice care, and crystal well-being. Her process invites deep reflection, self-love, and well-being; her healing work invites the presence of inner peace, an essential energy to sustain wellness and wholeness. Her work with focused hearing and intuitive guidance have helped many to redirect their lives. Jane’s process has evolved over thirty years of study/practice with the late Dr. M.T. Morter, D.C. and the late Dr. Lucille Edwards, an eminent and recognized metaphysical healer, clairvoyant and energy healer. Jane is committed to assisting people and pets of all ages in attaining wellness goals.

 Educational and Related Services:  (Non-medical) Crystal Well Being – EFT Tapping – Emotive Memory Release – Energetic Balancing – Intuitive Guidance/Focused Hearing – Pet Well-Being – Sound Healing – Wellness Doula – Writing for Wellness.

Contact Info:  Drjane4wellness@gmail.com   (909)436-9500