Let Your Voice Be Heard, Holiday Traffic Discussion with Local Leaders Thursday Night in Lake Arrowhead

Published by Raymond Ray

The monthly meeting of our local Governing Officials is happening in Lake Arrowhead at Fire Station 91 across the street from 7Eleven on 173 just outside the Lake Arrowhead Village. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm.

Item 4.0 (c) was just added to the agenda and may be of interest to the mountain communities, “Discussion Related to Holiday Traffic.” The entire mountain has seen the effects of thousands of visitors bearing down on the mountain. Massive traffic delays, roadways clogged with vehicles parked for roadside snow play and future plans for the mitigation of these issues will hopefully be discussed. Hundreds of comments on local social media indicate this is a hot topic in the community and here’s your chance to speak directly to community leaders and officials.

On the Agenda, directly after this discussion, is the public comments session. Any and all in the community wishing to speak about traffic or other issues on the mountain simply need to fill out a public comments card at the beginning of the meeting. Then, during the public comments session, you will be called upon. Three minutes per person are granted to speak so make it quick.

Special Note: New regulations regarding “short term rentals” or AirBnB’s are being discussed at this meeting as well.

Many times we hear the comments, “Why didn’t anybody discuss these issues with the community” or “What are our local officials doing about this?” Well here’s your chance to get these and other questions answered in person at the January Lake Arrowhead MAC Meeting. Don’t wait and miss out.

Here’s the meeting agenda in it’s entirety:

Location: Fire Station 91
301 S. State Highway 173
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352

1.0 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Scott L Rindenow

2.0 Election of Officers

3.0 Approval of Minutes: November 1, 2018

4.0 Special Presentation: MacKay Park
a. Reese Troublefield, Division Manager, Special Districts
b. Cal Trans, David Matza
c. Discussion related to holiday traffic, Lt. Salinas, CHP

5.0 Community Input: This is an opportunity for the Council to hear public comments on items not specifically
included on the Agenda. Members of the community desiring to address the Council are asked to give their
name, address, and subject on a Speaker Form provided at the meeting and give to the Chair. Comments are
limited to 3 minutes. Speakers will be called upon by the Chair at the appropriate time to speak

6.0 Community & Government Updates: This is an opportunity for Community Representatives & Government agency
to update the LAMAC on items of interest to the Lake Arrowhead Communities.

Committee Member Scott L. Rindenow
 Arrowhead Lake Association
 The Tudor House
 Friends of Lake Arrowhead Mountain Communities
Committee Member Ken Stowe
 SB County Fire
 Cal Fire
 US Forest Service
Committee Member Duane Banner
 Lake Arrowhead Communities Chamber of Commerce
 Rim of the World Recreation & Park District
 Rim of the World Association of Realtors
 Mountain Transit
Committee Member Michelle Ambrozic
 Representatives of Elected Officials (Senator Morrell, Assemblyman Obernolte)
 SB County Sherriff
 California Highway Patrol
Committee Member Voni Saxbury
 Skypark / Santa’s Village
 Lake Arrowhead Village
 Toastmasters International / Cathy Terreri
 Updates from other community members present
 Updates from other government agencies present

7.0 New Business / Old Business:
a. Short Term Rentals
b. Lake Arrowhead Economic Development Study; Scott L. Rindenow

8.0 Supervisor’s Report – Lewis Murray: This is an opportunity for the County Supervisor’s Representative to update
the LAMAC on items of interest from Janice Rutherford, Second District Supervisor and/or items as requested by
the LAMAC at its previous meeting.

9.0 Announcements from the LAMAC Board Members

10.0 Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Lake Arrowhead MAC: February 7, 2019

11.0 Adjournment: The Lake Arrowhead Municipal Advisory Council meeting facility is accessible to persons with
disabilities. If assisted listening devices or other auxiliary aides or services are needed in order to participate in the public
meeting, requests should be made through the Municipal Advisory Council Secretary at least three (3) business days prior
to the meeting. The Secretary’s telephone number is (909) 387-4833 and the office is located at 385 North Arrowhead
Ave., 5th
Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110. The Lake Arrowhead Municipal Advisory Council agenda is posted prior to
meetings at Fire Station No. 91. Copies of Agendas are available to interested parties upon receipt of written request.


  1. Can I read the STR ordinance? The current ordinance regarding Short Term Rentals as i have been directly affected by the one next door to me. There weren’t any STR when I bought my house on an access road and now there have been two. As homeowners, we maintain the access road which is difficult to navigate for those new to our road. Costly if used more than normal!! It is very strange to have weekly new neighbors, who wants that??

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