Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights – Sooner or Later

By Dr. Jane Guttman

“Anxiety is the illness of our age. We worry about ourselves, our family, our friends, our work, and our state of the world. If we allow worry to fill our hearts, sooner or later we will get sick.” ~
Thich Nhat Hanh

Sooner or later anxiety takes a big toll. Few have escaped the experience of anxiety. Some live with it as an intimate, unwelcome presence. Sometimes a pounding heart announces its presence. Other times there is sweating, trembling, feeling week, feeling tired and the interruption of sleep.  A constant state of worry is also anxiety.There is separation anxiety, social anxiety, and included on the spectrum is a panic attack. If you have had one or seen one you know the extreme fear that can be experienced. Whether anxiety arises from fear of natural disasters,serious illness, loved ones in peril or food/substance reactivity, the symptoms interrupt life during the episode. Everything halts.

HildegardeVon Bingen, a nun and nurse in the 13th century, used crystals for healing health complaints. There is inference that Aristotle also subscribed to crystals as complements to allopathic care. Although an unusual approach to address issues of anxiety, the stones contain minerals that can ease our worries. Hildegarde used the crystals to prepare elixirs, liquid essences of a particular stone.  As liquid or solid,there are many that address anxiety. Amethyst, known for hundreds of years as the soother is a good choice. Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian and Blue Calcite have attributes to address the scourge of anxiety. Lepidolite is high on the list, known to calm and restore harmony. Best used as tumbled stones and available online or in local stone shops, these earth gems can ease the angst of anxiety. To be used for a purpose, they need to be cleared and dedicated to the job at hand. Crystal scholars offer many tips for optimal use.  Possibly attend a class if you have interest.

The venerable Thich Nhat Hahn links anxiety to illness. A chronically worried and anxious mind can become a sick body. Consult your medical doctor, behavioral health care specialist or your psychiatrist for this mental health concern.Once you have a plan, bring the crystals into the mix if they resonate. These stones have been used through the ages to restore mental and emotional harmony.No side effects. Wear. Carry. Hold. Tuck in a pillow case at night. Or place in a pocket during the day.

The mind and body are one. All worry is held in the body…in the cells, tissues,organs and muscles.  Every thought brings wellness or non-wellness. Guard your thoughts. Toss the worry thoughts to thewind. When the fierce cloud of anxiety rolls over you, get up and move. Hold a stone. Use breath patterns to reduce anxiety. A helpful, non-medical Rx to release sleep time anxiety is Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Unakite Jasper or Lepidollite.  For daytime use you can add Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian. Blue Calcite is good around the clock. It is known for its property of comforting our emotions. If you come from a family of worriers as I do, give Blue Calcite a try. It’s rich in the mineral calcium, known to calm.  Crystals are organic complements to our medical care. The road back to wellness and the path of prevention are paved with a trail of beautiful crystals. Their infinite intelligence enhances life through a palette of color and a gentle, yet glowing vibration.  

Crystals have been used through the ages for enhancing wellness. We know that they offer support to well-being and wellness in addition to the medical treatment that each one chooses for their health status. The healing properties of crystals reference balancing mind, body and spirit, and does not imply “cure” as in the allopathic model.

All guidance is educational and not given as medical advice and is not meant to be a substitute for medical treatment and diagnosis by qualified medical professionals. Please check with your physician for all medical concerns.

Jane Guttman is a bio-energetic practitioner, workshop presenter, educator, retired holistic chiropractor, Life-Wellness doula, and practices focused hearing. Her practice includes Soul Sound, energetic tapping, writing for wellness, memory release, pet hospice care, and crystal well-being. Her process invites deep reflection, self-love, and well-being; her healing work invites the presence of inner peace, an essential energy to sustain wellness and wholeness. Her work with focused hearing and intuitive guidance have helped many to redirect their lives. Jane’s process has evolved over thirty years of study/practice with the late Dr. M.T. Morter, D.C. and the late Dr. Lucille Edwards, an eminent and recognized metaphysical healer, clairvoyant and energy healer. Jane is committed to assisting people and pets of all ages in attaining wellness goals.

Educational and Related Services:  (Non-medical)

Crystal Well Being – EFT Tapping – Emotive Memory Release – Energetic Balancing – Intuitive Guidance/Focused Hearing – Pet Well-Being – Sound Healing – Wellness Doula – Writing for Wellness

Contact Info:  Drjane4wellness@gmail.com   (909)436-9500

1 Comment

  1. I learn so much from Dr. Jane’s deep wisdom and wealth of knowledge. Thank you for these inspiring and informative articles from a gifted healer.

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