2018 Lake Gregory Christmas Bonfire

Article and Photos By Robert Callis

This Saturday Lake Gregory held it’s annual Christmas Bonfire. Many folks in the community showed up to participate in the kicking off of the holiday season. Santa Claus arrived in style by fire truck and being escorted by our local firefighters. Rumor has it that all of his reindeer are fully involved in their annual sled and flight preparations. However, being the Santa that he is, he came bearing boxes and boxes of wrapped gifts for the children. All the while, our incredible firefighters were having a boot drive to raise money to get more gifts for more children.

While the elves were busy at the North Pole putting together all of the toys and gifts to be delivered this Christmas, Lake Gregory had it’s own fun and generous elves, of the human variety, providing free hot dogs and hot cocoa to help keep everyone warm. All in attendance had the opportunity to enjoy the holiday music of singers from Woodland Church.  The holiday season is officially upon us.

Here is the video coverage of the event. Merry Christmas to all of our readers from the staff at Synergized Media Group and MountainReporter.com