Weather Report 5/8/18

Ron Chalfant,

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:

Good Morning.

This morning we have a very weak onshore flow across most of SoCal. The marine layer is showing up along the immediate coastal areas only. High clouds are heading this way from the South West and will be passing over our area throughout the day today. An area of Low pressure will move inland today along Washington and British Colombia. This system will move into the Great Basin as a 999mb Low Friday. Offshore along the West Coast, a strong area of High pressure will remain stationary through the next five days or so. This will set us up for a strengthening onshore flow beginning Thursday night through the weekend. The Marine layer will push onshore and deepen with fog and low clouds expected to reach into the IE by Friday night. Much cooler temperatures can be expected for Thursday through the upcoming weekend as well. The area of Low pressure will slide South into the Inland part of SoCal Saturday. This could bring clouds as well as fog in the lower areas and along the Mountain areas throughout the day. (Well, that was a good quake at 4:50 am!!Cabazon, 4.6!) Temperatures will peak Wednesday, then slowly cool as we head in to the weekend. RC

Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 75-80*/50-57*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 68-74*/42-48*
San Bernardino: 89-94*/58-64*

On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,
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