Discussion On A Charter School

Article by Brianna Rowlen

Recently there has been interest in our community about bringing a public charter school to our mountain. On Saturday, November 10, 2018, a public information meeting was held by Vista Public Charter Schools. This Charter organization operates successful schools in both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. It should be noted that this was only a first meeting to garner how much interest there is for this mode of education in the area, without community support the initiative will be dropped.

Vista Public Charter aims to bring programs which are currently unavailable in the Rim of the World School District. The signature process at the head of their education program is called Way of Council and Restorative Justice. This is a process by which students are afforded an opportunity to meet in a counselor lead group to discuss their thoughts and feelings about education, social concerns, and much more. Additionally, Vista Charter Public Schools engages students in project-based learning through curriculum such as, Project Lead the Way, a hands on stem program utilizing lab work and enhancing students deductive reasoning abilities. Also employed is Lucy Calkin’s Readers and Writers Workshop, an engaging student-driven method of teaching writing by applied knowledge. Dr. Don Wilson stated, “We believe you learn by doing.” Accordingly, all programs utilized by Vista Charter Schools are vetted to provide maximum interaction between teachers, students, and peers, as well as to be rigorous, relevant, and student-centered. Their school sites also support a one-to-one device ratio in all classrooms.

Students learn in classrooms with teachers at a maximum of 25 students per classroom, regardless of grade level, and a teacher’s assistant is in every classroom. Special education students are integrated into the general education population, with additional adult support added, if needed. Vista Public Charter Schools holds a 100% teacher retention rate, as well as salaries competitive with LAUSD.

Several members of the community voiced their concerns in adding a Charter Academy to the mountain. Questions arose such as, “Will there be busing available, and how much would a bus pass cost?” The representative replied that they do anticipate a need for busing, due to our area, and they will look at the necessary routes and availability further into the process. As to the cost of a bus pass, “No, there would be no charge. It never crossed my mind that it could be charged for. We don’t charge your kids for anything, that includes the uniforms, if it would cause the family a hardship.”

Another question posed was, “What grade levels do you intend to have and how many students do you have to have to start?” Vista Charter will be applying for a K-12 Charter, however, they intend to begin as a K-8, and matriculate students into the high school grade levels. Two classes for every grade would be available, so a population of 350 to 450 would be ideal, however, the school can fiscally operate with as few as 125 students. That prompted a follow-up question of “That’s 50 students per grade, what if 60 apply?” An overage of students in a grade level would generate a lottery for placement, however, once your child is accepted as a student, they will not be required to participate in future lotteries. “Once you’re in, you’re in. Siblings are also given a priority.” Due to regulation of class sizes there are also no “combo” classes.

As for a timeline on when Vista Summit Global Academy would be opening its doors, 2020 is the target year. “This meeting is only the first step. We are gauging the interest. There’s nothing pushing us to be here, but if the community wants us, we are happy to be here.” Another community meeting is tentatively scheduled for the third week of January 2019. For more information please visit VISTACHARTERPUBLICSCHOOLS.ORG  .


Vista Charter Public Schools is a district of two middle schools.