Dr. Jane’s Daily Insights – Crystal Well-Being

By Dr. Jane Guttman

Crystals have been used for several thousand years to enhance our well-being and wellness. As a nonmedical “medicine,” these minerals are attributed with healing properties to use as complements to allopathic medical care. Each crystal has a resonance, a vibration that lines up with yours, to foster a higher level of wellness. The next time you find yourself in a venue with crystals, either in a store or online, see what draws you. Amethyst, known as “The soother” is always one to enhance life… Rose Quartz, the messenger of love and comfort, or Obsidian, a great protector for clearing the debris around your electronics. You can use these mineral gems to enhance your living space, for spiritual enlightenment, for allowing more peace and ease into your daily life and to offset some of the shadow energies that arise in the “slings and arrows” of our lives. Crystals have their place as complements to your medical care, and most of all, allow a sense of true peace and harmony. These attributes contribute to your wellness. Uplift your surroundings and your own heart with these inspiring stones.  Be well!

Crystals have been used through the ages for enhancing wellness.We know that they offer support to well being and wellness in addition to the medical treatment that each one chooses for their health status. The healing properties of crystals reference balancing mind, body and spirit, and does not imply “cure” as in the allopathic model.

All guidance is educational not given as medical advice and is not meant to be a substitute for medical treatment and diagnosis by qualified medical professionals. Please check with your physician for all medical concerns.

Jane Guttman is a bio-energetic practitioner, workshop presenter, educator, retired holistic chiropractor, Life-Wellness doula, and practices focused hearing. Her practice includes Soul Sound, energetic tapping, writing for wellness, memory release, pet hospice care, and crystal well-being. Her process invites deep reflection, self-love, and well-being; her healing work invites the presence of inner peace, an essential energy to sustain wellness and wholeness. Her work with focused hearing and intuitive guidance have helped many to redirect their lives. Jane’s process has evolved over thirty years of study/practice with the late Dr. M.T. Morter, D.C. and the late Dr. Lucille Edwards, an eminent and recognized metaphysical healer, clairvoyant and energy healer. Jane is committed to assisting people and pets of all ages in attaining wellness goals.

 Educational and Related Services:  (Non-medical)

 Crystal Well Being – EFT Tapping – Emotive Memory Release – Energetic Balancing – Intuitive Guidance/Focused Hearing – Pet Well-Being – Sound Healing – Wellness Doula – Writing for Wellness

 Contact Info:  Drjane4wellness@gmail.com   (909)436-9500