An Artist Among Us – Karen Pollitt

Article & Photos by Brianna Rowlen

Karen Pollitt is an artist local to Crestline, who creates in Multi-Mediums. She is known primarily as a woodworking sculptor, however, she holds Masters Degrees in both Sculpture and Painting. Karen began woodworking with her grandfather as a child and to this day still uses some of the over one hundred year old hand tools which belonged to him. She states that this “gives her connection to her roots and heritage.”

In 1999, she suffered a traumatic injury, a rattlesnake bite. During her recovery she suffered from hallucinations, which caused her to see everyday items from a distorted view. During her recovery time, she spent many of hours in her studio and in an effort to keep awake she created over 100 sketches based on the views that she had seen. A close friend suggested that she frame them, after looking at the creations, eventually Karen would bring the artwork to completion, by putting ink to paper.

When it comes to sculpture, Karen’s method is quite similar. She stated that, “quite frequently I will find a piece of wood and it speaks to me. I will build components for a sculpture, but I don’t know where it belongs yet. I set it aside and eventually a piece comes together.” She also enjoys working with abstract and unusual materials. For instance, in her showcase at Akasha Healing Arts Center, a piece was exhibited which incorporated a piece of bullet proof glass. “It fascinates me that you can’t shoot it, but you can sculpt it and create something completely different than what it was meant to be.”

Truly, isn’t that what all art is: A transformation of the everyday mundane world, to something intriguing.

“Not Making War”
“Against The Cosmos”
“Mechanical Organical”
“Winging The Rhythm”