Weather Report 9/5/18

Ron Chalfant

09/05/18 Wed
Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Yesterday we had lots of clouds around but I didn’t see any reports of lightning activity locally. Today, we will again have some cumulus clouds form in the afternoon hours along the mountain ridges. No Storms are expected today. A warming trend will begin tomorrow as High pressure builds in from the West across SoCal. The models have backed down from the heat forecast for next week, let’s hope that holds. So the warm up will begin Thursday with highs into the mid to upper 80s locally and near 100* in the Valley. Saturday should be the warmest day of this week with daytime highs around 85-92*. Friday as the high builds across the area, we will have around a 24hour window of possible North East winds. The FIRE DANGER LEVELS will be elevated at that time, however these winds are not expected to be strong, just dry with wind gusts from 5-15mph. For next week, another trough of Low pressure is now expected to develop along the west coast bringing in a cooling trend through the week beginning Monday. So this should be a short heat wave for the next few days. Hurricanes on both coasts are active but currently there is no threat to land for the next few days in either basin. So far this morning, the Marine Layer has not reached the IE. Fog and low clouds will stay closer to the coastal areas for the next several days as the heat builds inland. Have a good day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-84-57*, Twin Peaks-80/63*, Lake Arrowhead-83/64*, Running Springs-78/61*, Big Bear-75/40*, San Bernardino-90/63*.
Average local temps for today are: 53*-79*. MIN-41*(1985) MAX-93*-(1955)
Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:
Crestline,Twin Peaks, Arrowhead: WED-78-85*/58-64*, Thursday-80-86*/60-65*,Fri-85-92*/63-68*,SAt-82-91*/62-68*.

Big Bear,GVL,Running Springs: Wed-75-80*/48-56*,Thur-77-82*/50-62*,Fri-79-85*/53-63*.

San Bernardino: Wed-90-95*/63-68*, Thur-93-97*/63-68*,Fri-96-102*/66-70*..

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