Weather Report 8/30/18

Ron Chalfant

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
There will be only a couple of slight changes on the weather over the next few days. A Subtropical High will move from East to West across SoCal over the next two days. This will bring slightly warmer temperatures to the area for Thursday through Saturday.
For the Coastal areas, we will continue the SW flow with the Marine layer trying to push further Inland during the morning hours. A trough of Low pressure will ride through the PAC-NW Friday, this will bring cooler temperatures here for Sunday and beyond. Also we may see a brief wind shift to the NE Sunday, as the trough passes just North of the area. Behind the departing trough, cooler temperatures will return for early next week. On the long range crystal ball outlook, we may see a return of Monsoon Moisture with Thunderstorms to the area around the 15th. Other than that, temperatures will slowly cool overall as Fall approaches.
Today’s FIRE DANGER level remains VERY HIGH. Have a good day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-79-63, Twin Peaks-78/60*, Lake Arrowhead-79/63*, Running Springs-79/60*, Big Bear-80/46*, San Bernardino-94/64*.
Average local temps for today are: 54*-80* -MIN-37*(1957) MAX-94*-(1948)
Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:

Crestline/Lk-Arrowhead/Twin-Pks: Thur-77-82*/60-67*, Fri-77-83*/60-67, Sat-77-82*/60-67**.

Big Bear,GVL,Running Springs:Thur-75-81*/46-58*, Fri-75-80*/47-55*, Sat-73-77*/45-58*.

San Bernardino: Thur-94-97*/62-67*.Fri-95-99*/62-67*,Sat-93-97*/60-65*..

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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,