Kdog’s Road Report 08/29/18

Roads are clear… and getting smoother every day. I continue to marvel as more and more of the roadway between San Bernardino and Crestline is removed, replaced, steamrolled, smoothed, waxed, buffed, and polished to a brilliant shine.


Were you awake for the quake? Last night, at roughly 7:33 PM- 34.688 seconds, things started moving. It was a 4.4 (out of 10… there’s a panel of judges (unemployed during non- high- dive season) who holds up little white signs with black- marker scores after each shaker), and it was felt all over Southern California. I would have given it just a 2.5, but that was because form wasn’t great and style was unimpressive, but at least there was no splash.


Living in California reminds me of oil… we live in a quaker state.


The quake was centered just north of La Verne, and surely (“We’re gonna do it… OUR way!”) other communities nearby shook last Knight. At first, people thought, “Hey, what’s happening?”, but there was no reported damage (other than some falling household items, like silver spoons, and soap), so we still have happy days. WKRP reported that it was felt strongly in Newhart Pass, Bel- Air, and Hazzard County, but with damage non- existent, apparently they were saved by the bell. Still… it was a little too close for comfort! There were actually two quakes last night… and everybody knows: Three’s company (we could probably even handle a few more… but everybody has a limit: For me, eight is enough).


Dr. Lucy “Missing Link” Jones, with the USGS issued a tsunami warning for Lake Gregory, but after being notified that this body of water is now, “Puddle Gregory,” the warning was canceled (No fish were harmed in the making of this joke).


And, of course, people are already playing the blame game for this thing… there’s a lot of debate, but nobody really knows whose fault it was. It appears to be one of the saints, though, Andreas, or maybe Gabriel… and with all of the recent OTHER news, they should have at LEAST left the ground unmolested.


I wonder… years from now, will this quake be of any importance? Will people read about this quake, and wonder who’s the boss? Will it be Charles (who I understand has been moonlighting as a coach) in charge? See, when the CHiPs are down, and not a single full house is left standing after a shaker, it’s important to remember that really, whether you are married, with children, or not, only family matters. Oh, well, leader or not… historical or knot, these are just the facts of life…. Cheers!