Kdog’s Road Report 08/03/18

The drive is easy today… nut a thing to worry about. Fridays all seem easy (even it seems that all Mondays are more difficult). The air is not perfectly clear out there, but the haze’ll clear up eventually.


There is one item of note, however: If you don’t mark your calendar, it could cashew unaware: Signs are posted indicating that on Tuesday, August 7, Hwy. 138 will be closed, from 7AM to 4PM, along the segment from Top Town Crestline to the Crestline Bridge (where it meets Hwy. 18). It will be closed in both directions… your best alternate route is probably The Narrows.


So… today is “National Grab Some Nuts Day.” Really… it’s not “National Nut Day,” or, “National Have Some Nuts Day,” it’s really, honestly, “National Grab Some Nuts Day.”


Lance Armstrong may have invented this day. Or, maybe it was Lorena Bobbit. Wait, maybe it was dreamed up by Chet… about Chet’s nuts? Or, maybe it was even Mr. Peanut, but you must always remember that a peanut is neither a pea nor a nut… quite a corny adage…. but that’s just my opinyon.


I’m still searching pine cones… I’ve been told that they produce Pie Nuts. Sounds delicious, but while my search might be a little crazy, I’m not going to go all nuts.


Squirrels seem to enjoy this day of celebration… but do you know what to call a squirrel with no nuts? A female.


I know… the nut jokes are a little out of control today. But we’re having a ball! Please don’t get testy… there’s no reason to get all pistachio! Maybe they’re sort of lowbrow… but, give me a break… my background is not from academia.


Did you hear about the guy wearing nothing but Saran Wrap, who went to see the shrink? When the doc walked in to meet the patient, he took one look and said…



“I can clearly see you’re nuts!”