Arrowbear Lake Firefighters Association Honors Chief Isaiah Hall

Thursday at 7pm, the Arrowbear Lake Firefighters Association is hosting a public event. From their press release:

You are cordially invited in joining the Arrowbear Lake Fire Department in wishing a happy retirement to Chief Isaiah Hall from the ABLFD tomorrow (Thursday August 2nd 2018) at 7:00pm here at Station 271 in Arrowbear – Chief Hall selflessly and courageously served our local mountain communities through our fire department for twenty-five plus years.

He was a staple within our department for many years, bestowing his knowledge, experience and fatherly, yet firm guidance and wisdom upon us all and even after his retirement, he continues to be a guiding light and model citizen for not only us here at the fire department, but anyone who has had the opportunity and privilege of calling him a friend, mentor, or confidant throughout his career.

The community would like to honor you, Isaiah Hall for your many years of exemplary service to your community. We will greatly miss you being here at every weekly drill, and that laugh of yours that echoes through the apparatus bays.

Dinner and refreshments will be provided to attendees at no charge.

Chief Hall’s ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00pm, and you are welcome to bring friends and family to our event.