Weather Report 7/31/18

Ron Chalfant

7/31 Tuesday.
Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Today we will again have a 20% chance for pop-up Thunder Storms to develop during the afternoon hours for the Crestline/Lake Arrowhead areas with daytime highs from the mid to upper 80s.
Big Bear, GVL, and Running Springs will have a 40% chance for T-Storms this afternoon with daytime highs from 78-85*. Periods of heavy rain could accompany any storms that may develop so the possibility of Flash Flooding as always will be possible. As always be aware of your surroundings during heavy rain events and seek higher ground.
Tomorrow will likely be the end of the T-Storms for a few days as the Monsoon Moisture will slowly move East over the few days, so the threat of T-Storms will subside as well. Temperatures will return to normal for this time of year by Thursday through the weekend. The Marine layer will return to the coastal areas along with a stronger onshore flow as the Tropical Moisture moves East.
Sunday, a trough of Low pressure will affect our area as it moves through the NW part of California. This will help to deepen the Marine layer and continue the cooling trend into early next week. Beyond that, it looks like a return of the Monsoonal Moisture will bring possible T-Storms to the area. RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-87/68*, Twin Peaks-84/69*, Lake Arrowhead-92/64*, Running Springs-82/67*, Big Bear-82/57*, San Bernardino-99/75*.
Average local temps for today are: 57*-82* – MAX-94*(1980)-MIN-47*(1975)Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-40* 1982.
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