Weather Report 7/23/18

Ron Chalfant

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
High pressure is starting to build in to the area this morning. As a result, temperatures will be on the rise for the next several days. This afternoon there will be a chance for high based T-Storms along the mountains as a weak atmospheric wave passes through. This could produce dry lightning but not much rain as it looks this morning. As always this time of year if you are out in the backcountry, you need to keep an eye out for changing weather conditions.
The big change will be daytime high temperatures. For the mountain areas, temperatures will peak Wednesday and Thursday in the 90s locally. The Valley will see temperatures climb into the 105-110* range by Thursday before things start cooling off. Slowly. We will continue to have a weak chance for Thunderstorms through the period.
On the seven day outlook Monsoonal Moisture will return around Sunday so the slightly cooler temperatures will have added humidity. Not much going on in the Tropics on the West or East Coast at this time. Have a good day. The NWS has issued an EXCESSIVE HEAT ADVISORY that goes into effect today through Thursday. Don’t forget about you pets as they need extra water and shade. Also DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS OR PETS IN AN UNATTENDED VEHICLE. RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-88/62*, Twin Peaks-83/63*, Lake Arrowhead-91/58*, Running Springs-82/67*, Big Bear-82/51*, San Bernardino-98/73*.
Average local temps for today are: 56*-82* – MAX-94*(2000)-MIN-45*(1957).
Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-40* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead:
MON-88-93*/63-68* Tues-90-95*/63-68* WED-92-98*/60-68* 10% chance for T-Storms.
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear:
MON-80-85*/63-67* TUES-83-86*/57-64* WED-85-88*/59-65*
San Bernardino:
MON-100-105*/74-77* TUES-105-108*/72-78* WED-105-110*/72-78*

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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,