Weather Report 7/11/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Today outflow from Thunderstorms to our East, will continue to produce blowing dust and sand into the Lower Deserts and IE. Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies will be in the days forecast as T-Storms move across the area. Gusty winds and rain, possibly heavy at times in some areas, can be expected in the Mountain and Desert areas today and tomorrow. As always during these Monsoon Thunderstorms, be careful in low lying areas as Flash Flooding is a possibility. Temperatures will be cooler again today due to the expected cloud cover. Precipital Water levels will be higher today and tomorrow along with a slow moving atmospheric wave. This will bring the possibility of T-Storms to the area. Thursday we should begin to dry out as this will move out for a couple days. Temperatures will likely warm up toward the weekend but we may see a return of more T-Storms by Sunday. Currently there are no Tropical systems in the Eastern Pacific.
Big Bear had a shower that brought .02″ of rain there. More rain is expected today.

Yesterday’s high and low temperatures around the area were, Crestline-86-68*, Twin Peaks-84-67*, Lake Arrowhead-81-67*, Running Springs-85-67*, Big Bear-82-58* .02″ Rain, San Bernardino-103-76*.
Average local temps for today are: 81*-55* – MAX-95*(1961)-MIN-45*(1983).
Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-43* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 78-85*/60-65*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 72-78*/48-55*
San Bernardino: 97-103*/72-75*
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