Weather Report 7/4/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Todays local Fireworks displays will be: Lake Arrowhead at 9:00 pm, Big Bear at 8:45pm.
The weather will cooperate with both shows tonight with temperatures running around 65-68* with SW winds from 3-10mph. Skies will be clear for both events.
Todays weather will still be influenced by an area of Low pressure Northwest of SoCal. Temperatures will be mild again today with highs running from 75-82* across the mountain. We will continue to see light and variable winds mostly during the morning and evening hours through the next couple of days. No Fog is in the Valley this morning and it should remain that way for the next few days.
Beginning late tonight an upper level area of High pressure will begin to affect all of SoCal as it expands from the East, toward the West. By Friday the area of high pressure will be centered over the four corners area of the Country at 600mbs. Much warmer temperatures can be expected for all of SoCal through early next week as a result.
For Saturday through early next week, there will be the possibility of Monsoonal Moisture to be drawn into the Desert and Mountain areas of SoCal. This will give us the possibility of Thunderstorm activity mainly Saturday through next Tuesday. A couple of weak atmospheric waves will push through over the weekend and that is when we will have our best chance for T-Storms locally. Precipital water (PWAT) levels will be from 1.00-1.30″ through the period. So unless things change, any rain will be showery at best.
The big news will be the daytime high temperatures. For the Crestline, Twin Peaks and Lake Arrowhead areas, daytime highs will reach into the low to mid 90s Friday and possibly Saturday. Overnight lows will not recover to well with temps in the upper 60s at night.
Big Bear, Running Springs, Green Valley Lake etc. will have daytime highs in the mid 80s by Friday then cooling slowly Saturday and beyond. San Bernardino is expected to hit 112* Friday and 106* Saturday. If Thunderstorms so develop the daytime high temps will be affected due to the cloud cover and will be lower than what is forecast. As always during this time of year, when Thunderstorms are present, be watchful for rapidly changing weather and Flash Flooding!
That’s it for today. Have a great day! RC
Yesterday’s highs and low temperatures around the area were, Crestline-74-60*, Twin Peaks-76-57*, Lake Arrowhead-76-53*, Running Springs-83-58*, Big Bear-81-45*, San Bernardino-91-58*.
Average local temps for today are: 80*-54* – MAX-9*(1991)-MIN-42*(1948).
Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-43* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 75-80*/52-56*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 75-80*/42-51*
San Bernardino: 90-94*/60-65*
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,