Kdog’s Road Report 06/21/18

Thursday morning, and all is well… no arterial impediments to your passage to report today. The changing of the guard will continue on the downbound lanes of Hwy. 18, during daylight hours, with one lane restricted from around the 4000 foot elevation, down past Panorama Point.

Almanac readers (like somebody I once knew… but we winter separate ways) will autumnatically know that today we spring forward into… SUMMER! Don’t fall for the poles that equate our change with pagan holidays… whether you ride to work in a Pontiac Solstice or a Chevy Equinox, we must seize on this opportunity to celebrate that summer IS here, and it’s gonna get hot. (My sincerest apologies for the automobile names, but those words were on my list, and there’s no other way to use them. It seemed too awkward to suggest an equine ox, or a sole stiss. Yep… it’s gonna be a long day.)

Today is also, “National Selfie Day.” I cannot express how much pride I feel, as an American, to know that we have an official day set aside for this hedonistic tradition. Find a bison to ride, stand on the edge of a cliff, peer into Old Faithful’s blowhole, snap a pic that includes your mug AND the speedometer at 140, kiss a rattlesnake, strip to your underwear, pet a wild bear, Photoshop a thigh gap, catch Jack Nicholson unawares, or sit on an alligator… Kim Kardashian, this day is for you!