Weather Report 6/16/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.
Yesterday we had a lot of cloud cover especially during the afternoon hours as the Low moved through. Although no rain or T-Storms were reported locally, there were a few lightning strikes south of San Diego in Northern Mexico.
This morning the Tropical air mass has moved East and out of our area. However, another area of Low pressure will slide south over the west causing the Marine layer to deepen and pushing into the IE. Currently, there is fog along the front of the mountain to the ~2500′ level. As the Trough Axis moves through SoCal, we will see gusty South West winds from 5-20mph at times through Sunday night.
This area of Low pressure will bottom out at 564dm by Sunday morning before moving to the North East. This will help to deepen the Marine layer with fog topping out at ~4500′ Sunday morning. Temperatures will remain quite cool today through Monday, with daytime highs expected to be from 58-66* locally. San Bernardino will also be much cooler with highs expected to be from 75-78* through the same period.
On the longer range outlook, Tuesday through the work week ahead, Tropical High pressure will develop and build in from the south into SoCal. This will bring a warming trend as the High tops out at 594dm by Thursday. This area of High pressure will cover most all of the southern half of the U.S. next week. Fortunately, we will continue to have a SW flow across SoCal that will help to keep temperatures somewhat in check. Coastal fog will be likely through the week ahead. For the Inland areas, temperatures will return to above normal for this time of year. This doesn’t look like a major heat wave, just above normal temperatures by 5-8 degrees.
Have a good day! RC
Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 58-66*/44-49*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 62-67*/40-50*
San Bernardino: 74-77*/58-64*
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