Kdog’s Road Report 06/13/18

Welcome to Wednesday… your drive should be MOSTLY problem- free, as weather and terrain related issues are at a minimum… However, there is one impediment of note, at least as of the time that I passed through at around 5:30 AM… no telling when it’ll be cleared: There’s a traffic accident on Waterman Ave, just south of Marshall (just a little before you reach the 30th St. and the freeway). All traffic is being diverted right/ west on Marshal, and it is really backed up. If you want to gamble on Waterman Ave. being open by the time you pass through, then go for it (and please post here if you can report that it’s open)… otherwise, I suggest taking Sierra (veers to the right, just before you reach the bottom of the hill) to get to the freeway.

It appears that CalTrans has now begun the Hwy. 18 project we’ve been hearing about. They are working during the middle of the day, which should have very little impact on traffic during “regular” commute hours. The project location is currently just a little downhill from the Crestline Bridge/ Hwy. 138, with plans to move downhill over the next few weeks, as work is completed.

It’s likely to be warm today… yesterday, on the drive home, I saw triple digits… plus, it was over one hundred degrees outside, which really gave the car’s cooling system a pretty harsh workout. But, I was taking advantage of what I heard: Due to CA budget cuts, the CHP will no longer issue speeding citations to anybody, for any speed, on the second Tuesday of every week! Check it out… it’s true.

News flash: Today is, “National Random Acts of Light Day…” perhaps go flash somebody? It’s also, “National Weed Your Garden Day,” but in California, it is celebrated as, “Garden Your Weed Day.”

(PS After publishing the first draft of today’s road report, it was suggested that I clarify that there there has never, ever been any second Tuesday of any week, ever. Please do not exceed speed limits on any day, ever. Please do not forward any speeding ticket fines to me, and do not subpoena me to appear in court as part of your defense. I do not wish to end up in, “Irresponsible Journalist Jail.”  Please return now to gardening your weed.)