Weather Report 6/11/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.

Yesterday’s high temperatures ran from 76-82* across the Mountain. Today we will begin a warm up that will last through Thursday. Temperatures will warm up to the low to mid 80s over the course of the next three days.
High pressure now centered over New Mexico will expand and strengthen to the west. This will bring the first heat wave to SoCal of the season. Temperatures in the San Bernardino area will peak at close to 100* Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thursday through the weekend, a cooling trend will return daytime high temperatures to normal for this time of year. A Trough is forecast by the models to bring in the cooler weekend weather.
Hurricane BUD now at a CAT 2 level, will move parallel to the coast of Mexico and stall around the tip of Baja. There will be a chance for limited Tropical moisture to feed into SoCal Friday and Saturday. That will be something I will be watching over the next few days.

Winds across the area will be mostly light and variable for the next couple of days. Clear skies and no morning fog is expected locally, or in the Valley through Wednesday. Don’t forget about your pets as the first heat wave arrives to the area. They need shade and plenty of water to get through the day. That’s it for now. Have a good day! RC

Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 79-85*/58-63*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 75-80*/40-52*
San Bernardino: 92-96*/63-67*
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,