Kdog’s Road Report 06/11/18

Roads are wide- open and clear… no fog, no rocks, no crashes, no wildlife, no roadkill, no smoke, no checkpoints, no worries.

Today, around dawn, as I stowed my gear for the day (the “Dawn Stowing,” as it’s known by the guy who drives me to work), I thought of “product placement,” as this practice has recently had sort of a revival in TV shows and movies. After the Dawn Stowing, I was glad that, even though I would have gotten prompt, friendly service from them, I had no need for the services of Don’s Towing in Running Springs. My car, which, in the past, has been repaired flawlessly a couple of times by Davis Auto Body in Top Town Crestline, is doing just fine.

Anyhow, I’m not talking about the in- your- face style of product placement, ergo, advertising, that corporate giants engage in… NASCAR vehicles emblazoned with, “Tide!” (which, incidentally, will soon release pods in cherry, root beer, and bubble gum flavors, along with low- calorie and gluten- free versions!), or Coca Cola (“Coke: It isn’t just for breakfast anymore!”). I’m referring to the more SUBTLE practice of placing products in a fashion so that it’s barely noticed as an advertisement: These can be found in the Sky, Forest; Inn all kinds of unexpected, luxurious, friendly, accommodations for an amazing weekend of sweeping views that go for a hundred miles! They can be found near the Lake Arrowhead Village, the amazing “mall on the water,” with shops, restaurants, and endless entertainment … just ask Vickie, the amazing girl there who really takes care of business. The subtle practice might even be utilized to promote the Crestline Chamber of Commerce, a fine organization of dedicated individuals, which provides the community with a wide variety of stellar services!

Picture this (Oh, say, speaking of pictures, don’t forget about Bryan Jeffrey, a local photographer with the nickname, “Sasquatch,” which, in the native tongue, means, “big hairy man with state- of- the- art photography equipment and MAD skills using it!”): This column could even be used to very subtly pitch the fine services, excellent products, and wonderful wares of those who provide the means to publish this column each day! Like, perhaps I could very slyly slip in a few words about Rustique (The amazing shop that, despite its name, sells neither rust, nor is located in Mozambique: It’s RIGHT HERE in Running Springs, where you can have AMAZING custom pieces made from raw wood, before your very eyes!), or somehow reference the Bear House in Top Town Crestline, where pancakes, tacos, burgers and more are served in a cozy, fun environment… yes, if I could somehow find a way to slip those into a column, then perhaps these names would implant in to the minds of readers, and everybody would win.

Then again… I’m no advertiser, no promoter… I have no idea to engage in, “product placement.” I’m open to suggestion, so if you see me around, perhaps enjoying myself immensely at the “Corks and Hops” event in Crestline, on the first Saturday of every month, or even at the exciting and packed- with- thrills Jamboree Days event, on June 29, June 30, and July 1, well… let me know how to do it!

This road report sponsored by the Crestline Chamber of Commerce.