Weather Report 6/9/18

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.
For today, temperatures will be a little cooler than yesterday’s high temps. High temperatures around the area yesterday were, Crestline-79*, Twin Peaks-81*, Lk Arrw-79* Run Sprngs-74*, BB-74, and SB-94*. Today were looking at about 4-6* of cooling for those areas.
A Trough will pass through to our North today. This will bring cooler temperatures and gusty winds this afternoon and evening for our area. Some areas could see SW winds from 10-30mph locally in the wind prone areas. Clear skies will be the forecast for today and no Fog except along the immediate Coastal zone.
Tomorrow will be about the same as today weather wise. Monday through the work week ahead, High pressure will expand from the East and bring in warmer temperatures for all of SoCal. Toward the end of next week, Tropical Moisture may move into the SoCal Desert areas as the remaining moisture from “BUD” arrives to the AZ, New Mexico, and the Southern, SoCal region. A chance for Thunderstorms will accompany this moisture flow locally.
Aletta is now a CAT 2 Hurricane and will head out to sea with no affect here. Bud will likely become the second Hurricane of the Eastern Pacific of this season. Bud is forecast to move North parallel along the Mexico mainland for the next couple days then turn toward the tip of Baja early next week.
Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 74-78*/50-55*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 72-76*/36-44*
San Bernardino: 88-93*/60-64*
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,