Pile burning to continue across the National Forest

Fire crews will continue to take advantage of weather conditions safe for prescribed fire to burn slash piles made from vegetation thinned from the National Forest. These active forest management projects continue longtime efforts to maintain facility and community defense throughout the Forest. Smoke and flames may be visible day and night during burning periods.


Multiple locations, listed from north to south:

– Angelus Oaks, east side of Highway 38 behind residences (40 acres/400 Piles

Alandale Fire Station, north of Idyllwild (4 acres)

– Keenwild Fire Station and Helibase, south of Idyllwild (21 acres)

– Cranston Fire Station, east of Hemet (5 acres)


Burning is planned throughout the week. Crews will evaluate the safest and most productive sites each morning to determine that day’s location (s)