Dr Bramson offers opportunity for boys to make amends

A series of photographs garnered the attention of many through a plethora of social media platforms and users scattered across the San Bernardino mountains over the past week. The photographs , obtained from an anonymous source, depicted three male suspects, one of them holding a spray paint can near a wall that had been freshly tagged with graffiti.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, using readily available resources, were able to identify the true suspects; one juvenile and one adult. The third male was simply a bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time; he took no part in the criminal activity. Upon further investigation, it was found that the other two were in fact, brothers.

As the local deputies continue their investigation it was determined that the two boys lived with their father off the mountain and often visit their mother who currently lives in Crestline. Dr Bramson’s office, was defaced with gang related markings for reasons unknown.

Dr. Bramson was presented with the opportunity to press charges. After speaking with the boys, he declined. The local family doctor gave the boys the opportunity to work community service hours to repay the thousand-dollar cost of removing the graffiti. Dr. Bramson stated that he felt it was an opportunity for the boys to learn a Life lesson and wanted to present them with an opportunity to make amends for what they had done had to choose a better path in life.

The deputy from the San Bernardino County sheriff’s Department performing the investigation, indicated that the boys aren’t actually members of the gang but graffiti the building with gang-affiliated markings.

The mother, a Crestline resident, indicated that she’s attempting to help the boys straighten out their path and helping them to make better decisions. She hopes to soon have the boys staying full-time in the mountain communities, removing them from the gang influences they were formerly exposed to.

Deputy Buchowiecki stated: “The purpose of the gang graffiti is to instill a sense of intimidation, fear, and territorial dominance in a community. Though these young men were not actual gang members, when they vandalized Dr. Bramson’s building with gang graffiti, they invited the danger of gang violence to the mountain. They damaged more than Dr. Bramson’s property, they violated the heart of our mountain way of living. I’m happy everyone, including the young men, came together to quickly stamp this problem out. I respect their willingness to meet with and work for Dr. Bramson to make things right.”