Kdog’s Road Report 06/08/18

Wow! Brisk! I was surprised that this Junuary morning was so chilly! Only 15 degrees above freezing at the house this morning, although it was a little warmer on other parts of the mountain. In any case, I left the house, drove around for a while, and ended up in Rancho Kook, where the temps are higher. I guess that’s because the sun is a lot brighter here. In Crestline, it was practically dark… here, not so much.

Roads, however, are clear. No rocks or fog or deer or smoke. Wait, oops, there IS a little smoke… It’s just barely visible, but yesterday’s controlled burns on Little Mountain will continue today. Don’t call the fire department… they are already going to be there. Which reminds me: Please stop calling the fire department on ME! I’m big on BBQ (not the abbreviation found it the LGBQT personal ads, but the one that means, “barbeque”), and lately, when I fire that thing up, within a few minutes, there’s a full response from the fire department. They have no choice in the matter, when somebody calls in: They MUST perform what is known as a, “Smoke check.” Indeed, that smoke is coming from my BBQ grill. If/ when you smell that smoke (especially on Saturday afternoons), just give it a few minutes, and exercise your sniffer, before you call it in: While some people like meat infused with smoke flavors, you’ll know that it’s just me, if you note smoke infused with meat flavors… I’m only cookin’ lunch. Save the guys’ time and energy for when something is actually going down… or going up, I guess.

Sad news, all jokes aside: The “Breaking News” today is that chef Anthony Bourdain has passed away.

In OTHER news, what’s going on with Yellowstone? I heard that one giant geezer has blown up eight times in the past few days! My wife and I actually frequent Yellowstone as… uhhh… frequently as possible, and I think I know which geezer it is. That guy is always cranky… No, it not the famous one, “Old Yeller,” but the old guy I’m thinking of does yell a lot. The kids just need to stay off of his lawn, and he won’t erupt. Besides… I think he’s just blowing of steam.

And there have been “animal attacks” reported there too, all week. A couple of tourists, taking selfies (imagine that!) were knocked down by deer or caribou… or something of that ilk. Then, Al Gored a buffalo, I think… I only saw the headline, didn’t catch the details, but I’ll bet it had something to do with the his global warning about bovine flatulence, ‘cause, apparently, that’s a real thing to worry about if you live in a green house, or in the O Zone.

Heard it on the radio: We’ve got a G7 Summer approaching! Congratulations to all of the Rim High graduates who have just begun their endless summer! Gee… seven years of high school: Done! Only kidding… I can make that joke, because high school DID take me five years… apparently, “government” class did not come naturally to me, and it seems that taking liberties with the written word was never considered as acceptable to my teachers, in spite of my claim that this is America, Land of Freedom and Liberties. Teachers never did seem to care about my Institutional Bill of Rights, nor any of the 20 or so commandments to it.