Weather Report – 7/22/19

This article brought to you by Rim Chiropractic

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Good Morning.
..This morning we have an upper level cloud mass moving into the area from the Southeast. This is from a Thunderstorm complex that was over NW Mexico earlier this morning. While most of the energy has dissipated from this, there will be a chance for more Thunderstorms to redevelop from this later today over the local mountains. Tropical Moisture will begin flowing into the lower Desert and Eastern slopes of the local mountains today. Precipital moisture (PWAT), will be rising to around 1.75″ over the next couple days in the Big Bear area as well as in the lower Deserts. This will add the possibility of Flash Flooding in and around areas where T-Storms develop. So be aware of your surroundings and stay clear of water run off areas.
..For the next 4 days, we will have partly to mostly cloudy skies especially in the afternoon hours when T-Storms are most likely to develop. Temperatures will be in the 80s for most of the area with higher humidity levels so it will feel warmer than it is.
..An upper level area of High pressure is now situated over the Four Corners region. The circulation around that High will bring Tropical Moisture into the area through Thursday as it looks this morning. Then by Friday, the area of High pressure will likely move West and sit over SoCal for a few days. This will add heat to the area with temperatures warming up further for the weekend. However, the humidity and chance for T-Storms will leave the area so even though temperatures should be warmer, there will be less humidity so it won’t be so muggy.
..As always, be careful with any type of outdoor fire and make sure your outdoor pets have plenty of shade and water. That’s it for now. RC*
.. Be sure to check on the Lake Gregory Weather Group, facebook page, for any radar loops or storm updates as needed.
Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels on the bottom of this page.
You can also check the wx alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-86/66*, Twin Peaks-83/67*, Lk Arrowhead-86/70*, Running Springs-82/66*, Big Bear-84/48*, GVL-85/60*, San Berdo-104/63*, Wtrmn Cyn-93/61*.

..On the main page of the website, I have added two live webcam views, one of Lake Gregory pointing North, and the other facing Southeast toward Waterman canyon. These are very helpful for the drive up and down the hill. If the camera view is gray, that means it’s foggy.

..Be sure to check out the other pages on the website for the Latest on El Nino, live webcams from around the area, live Radar, Satellite loops, Traffic conditions, along with live Weather conditions, and a live view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake. Have a good Day! *RC