The 2019 Crestline Fireworks Display

This article brought to you by Rim Chiropractic

Article, photo, and video by Sergey Astakhov

For decades, Crestline has had a fireworks show that takes place on or about the 4th of July. In conjunction with Jamboree Days, a 3-day Independence Day town event that has lasted over 50 years, the Crestline fireworks show has been celebrated as one of the biggest events in the small town located in San Bernardino Mountains.

All the way up until 2015, the Crestline fireworks show has officially started at 9 p.m. There was no pre-show, or anything leading up to the firework’s first explosions. The fireworks simply started at 9 p.m.

That changed in 2016. At a Crestline Chamber of Commerce meeting, Raymond Ray, the Cubmaster for the Cub Scout Pack 264 on the mountain at the time, volunteered to organize a small flag ceremony to open up the fireworks show. Approximately 40 Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts, carrying dozens of flags, marched to the edge of the lake and lined the North Beach of Lake Gregory. The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department sent a helicopter to spotlight the American flag during the singing of The Star-Spangled Banner. The Crestline Fireworks Pre-show was born.

The following year, recorded music was added to the pre-show and in 2018, a concert starting at 6 p.m. was organized. Multiple organizations also added to the pre-show event each year including Mountain Fifes and Drums, Sons of the American Revolution, and this year, the newly-formed local Troop 2019 consisting of female scouts, joined in the event.

On Saturday, July 6th, the pre-show opened up with a two helicopter air show by Mercy Air, a private helicopter company that provides emergency medical helicopter flight services for the San Bernardino Mountains. A local band, Little Bear Valley blues, played live music all the way until 8:30 p.m., when the Fifes and Drums, in conjunction with our local Scouts, performed a colorful flag ceremony. The Fifes and Drums played American Revolutionary War period music, and then a Neil Diamond impersonator, Peter Dykeman, took to the stage sang a number of songs. The thousands in attendance were led in the pledge of allegiance after which, the Neil Diamond impersonator sang The Star Spangled Banner. In a dazzling display of light and explosions, pyrotechnics were synchronized with the lyrics of The Star-Spangled Banner.

This year’s show was centered around the performance stage that was floating on Lake Gregory. The sound system echoed throughout the neighborhoods surrounding Lake Gregory and was even reportedly heard by some as far as Twin Peaks. Some residents over a mile away from Lake Gregory said they could clearly hear everything from their back deck and even participated in the flag salute.

The entire show is organized by volunteer efforts. Lake Gregory hosted the pre-show, offering free admittance to anyone who wished to sit on the beach to enjoy both the pre-show and the fireworks. A special mention must be made for Goodwin’s Market, for without whom, the fireworks pre-show would not have happened this year. Sound and lighting was provided by Tim Berg Events. The organizers extend a sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of the organizations and volunteers who make the pre-show possible as we look forward to making an even bigger and more impressive pre-show next year.

Little Bear Valley blues performed live music on the performance stage that was floating on Lake Gregory
Mercy Air performed an airshow to kick-off the pre-show celebration
The Mountain Fifes and Drums participated with the Scouts flag ceremony